Cultural Identity of Coastal Communities of Sibolga: The Existence of The Sharp Dance

Identitas Budaya Masyarakat Pesisir Sibolga: Eksistensi Tarian Sapu Tangan

  • Hikmah Asari Universitas Samudra, Langsa-Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Sibolga;, Tarian Sapu Tangan;, handhanker dance, coastal communities, art and culture


This study aims to determine the philosophical values contained in the handkerchief dance which can be used as a cultural identity in the Sibolga coastal community and to determine the existence of the handkerchief dance in the Sibolga coastal community. From the research results, it was found that the handkerchief dance is one of the arts that is often used by the Sibolga coastal community in various events such as weddings, entertainment, and other traditional ceremonies. This dance contains four philosophical values including the value of duties and responsibilities, the value of unity, the value of identity and the value of entertainment. The forms of presenting the handkerchief dance include: the handkerchief dance moves contain silat movements; dancers consist of 2 or 4 people and all are male; the music used in the handkerchief dance is external music accompanied by violin and tambourine; dancers wear clothes with sarongs, shirts/jackets, and black tuguak (caps); the handkerchief dance uses the property of a handkerchief or what is known as a cloth napkin; the handkerchief dance performance is held in the courtyard of the bride's host's house which is specially made and named after the visitor. This handkerchief dance has been passed down from generation to generation by traditional elders to local youths. In the past, the handkerchief dance was performed in ceremonies such as cutting hair, moving into a new house, circumcision of the apostles, Bambang Adat and other national holidays. However, it's a shame that now it's only shown at the Bambang Adat ceremony and not at any other ceremonies. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the philosophical values contained in the handkerchief dance are very useful for the life of coastal communities including the value of duties and responsibilities, the value of unity, the value of identity and the value of entertainment. The frequency of using this dance is reduced because it has to compete with modern dance. In addition, the local people do not have the desire to maintain the arts inherited from their ancestors. Therefore, the handkerchief dance as a cultural heritage of Sibolga must be maintained and preserved.


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How to Cite
Hikmah Asari. (2023). Cultural Identity of Coastal Communities of Sibolga: The Existence of The Sharp Dance. Journal Of Samudra Social Studies Research, 1(2 Jul-Dec), 28-38. Retrieved from