International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society <p align="justify">International Conference on Science Technology and Modern Society (ICSTMS) 2017 held on 28-29 November 2017 at Universitas Samudra in Kota Langsa Aceh Indonesia. The ICSTMS 2017 is an international conference dedicated to the development of theories and practices in Education Engineering and Science Law Accounting Management Social and Political Sciences.&nbsp; This conference is inspired by improving the quality of Education Engineering and Science Law Management Social and Political Sciences.</p> en-US [email protected] (Teuku Azuar Rizal) Thu, 11 Jan 2018 09:59:36 +0000 OJS 60 Minimal Budget Allocation and Restricted Deficit Regulation: Local Governments’ Compliance Assessment <p align="justify">This study aimed to assess and evaluate the compliance and ability of Indonesian local governments to financial regulations&nbsp; related to minimum budget allocations and deficit restriction. This study employed a qualitative based&nbsp;research method and involved 8 local governments in Aceh&nbsp;province. The data was collected through questioners, interviews and focus group discussions (FGD) participated by local government budgeting teams and budget officers in the education and health department.</p> <p align="justify">&nbsp;The data taken from July to September 2017. The study found that the local governments have mostly fulfilled the minimum budget allocation and maximum deficits while preparing their budget, although this task is not easy. Meanwhile, the minimum budget allocation regulation has been used by other departments to intervene budgeting in local governments and thus, a substantial allocation fund can be continue.</p> Dewi Rosa Indah, Syukriy Abdullah, Heru Fahlevi, Rahmi Meutia, Afrah Junita Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Customer Satisfaction in Islamic Banking: Empirical Study in Banda Aceh, Indonesia <p align="justify">Abstract—The purpose of this study is to find out how the level of customer satisfaction of Islamic banking in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. As for the population of this study were as many as 343 respondents. Samples were taken 30 percent of the total population so that the sample in this study amounted to 100 respondents. The data was collected by distributing questionnaires containing the statement on the quality of sharia banking services, namely Bank Aceh Syariah. This study uses Likert Scale as a guide to interpretation for assessment of respondent interpretation. Based on the result of research indicate that 80,12 percent of respondents very satisfied with the reliability of Islamic banking and 80.6 percent of respondents stated very satisfied on the responsiveness in Islamic banking.</p> Ratna Mutia, Khairul Aswadi, Martahadi Martahadi Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Structuring Disaster Threat Area in Tanjung Putus Hamlet at Langsa City <p align="justify"><em>Abstract</em>— Disasters are events or series of events that threaten and disturb the lives of people caused by both natural and/or non-natural factors, resulting in human death, environmental damage, property loss, and psychological impact. Flooding is a natural disaster whose occurrence can be caused by several factors, such as high rainfall, geomorphology and human activity. The Tanjung Putus Hamlet area is located in Gampong Jawa Village, Langsa City. This area located along the Krueng Langsa river with a fairly densely populated settlement. This area is also a water catchment area. The area is vulnerable to catastrophic floods and landslides. Spatial arrangement of infrastructure, housing, and environment is not well-organized in the area. Research was done by field observation. This study aims to design the environment of disaster-prone areas into a cozy area of disaster. This Design will be done in the form of arrangement of regional infrastructure, land function, evacuation lane and early warning system. The arrangement is expected to improve the quality of life of the population in terms of comfort and security. The final result of this research is the formation of a river-friendly area, making the river a front side and environmentally friendly.</p> Ellida Novita Lydia, Meilandy Purwandito, Eka Mutia Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Learning Media Of Mathematical Operations In Early Childhood Based Augmented Reality <p align="justify"><em>Abstract</em>— Along the development of technology, the limitations of print-based learning media can be minimized, one of them by utilizing augmented reality (AR) technology. This technology combines the virtual world and the real world in real time in aids with technology devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. AR-based learning media not only can display objects in two dimensions, but also in three dimensions. Utilization of augmented reality technology has been widely developed for education as a learning tool. By using augmented reality, a student can learn visually and interactively. Learning will be more effective with the form of virtual teaching materials simulated. In this research, developed augmented reality technology for introduction of numbers, symbol introductions and simple mathematical operations that are presented virtually. This research is intended to be a learning tool that is useful to streamline the learning process of mathematics subjects for children of early age. The results of research, students' ability in recognizing the numbers 0-9 of 32 students who tested reached 62.5%. Students 'ability in recognizing mathematical symbols reaches 68.75%, students' ability in mathematical arithmetic operation: sum of 56,25%, reduction of 65,625%.</p> Ahmad Ihsan, Munawir Munawir, Fazri Amir Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 A Phenomenological study: Students Experience Toward Lecturer’s Teaching Method in English Department, Teachers Training and Educational Faculty, Universitas Samudra <p align="justify"><em>Abstract</em>—The aims of this study are to describe the students act toward teaching method that used by lecturers and to know the students understand of teaching method used by lectures. This research method used qualitative with the phenomenological descriptive approach. The data of this research is obtained from in-depth interview where the sample is twenty students which taken by purposive sampling. The categories are students with high, middle and low Index Commulative Achivement with choosing them based on their activities and stir. This research recites students experience toward the method that used by lectures while teaching learning process. The instrument of collecting data is an interview. The techniques of analysis data are transcribing,&nbsp; coding, grouping and analysis data. The result showed there was the different act from each group in this teaching learning process.</p> Irma Dewi Isda, Maria Ulfa, Purwati Purwati Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Tue, 10 Apr 2018 03:59:33 +0000 Synthesis And Characterization Nanoparticles Of TIO2/Activated Carbon Composites Using Deep Coating Method <p align="justify">A research&nbsp; to synthesis and characterizes nanosized TiO<sub>2</sub>&nbsp;particles on activated carbon (AC) were prepared by deep coating. Nanotechnologies are a set of methods and techniques for the treatment of matter and aimed at obtaining materials with novel functionalities and improved characteristics. In this research, the preparation TiO<sub>2</sub>/AC composites was carried out in several stages, the first stage was prepared active carbon from empty palm oil bunches, then synthesized TiO<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles and last step was synthesis nanosized TiO<sub>2</sub>&nbsp;particles on activated carbon (AC) using deep coating method. The TiO<sub>2</sub>/AC composites were characterized &nbsp;by various methods such as Fourier Transmission Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The XRD pattern of synthesized of the TiO<sub>2 </sub>nanoparticles shown one strogest peak, that indicative the prepared sample is single crystal&nbsp; structure.&nbsp; The crystallite size of the Titanium dioxide nanoparticles is 79,6 nanometer. SEM photo analysis of the morphology of TiO2 particles with uneven white clumps on the surface of activated carbon in the form of porous bars of non-uniform size. Based on this study&nbsp; has reported the properties of TiO<sub>2</sub>/AC has been considered&nbsp; used in photocatalysis&nbsp; of the degradation of substances in an aqueous solution and the reduction of inorganic ions</p> Rahmawati Rahmawati, Puji Wahyuningsih, Nitra Yulius Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Tue, 10 Apr 2018 04:03:32 +0000 Application Of Brain Based Learning (BBL) Models Based On Saintific Approach With 3D Cabries In Geometry Material To Increase The Ability Of Mathematics Communications For Students Of SMAN 1 Karang Baru <p align="justify">Abstract— The aim of this study is to know the improvement of learning by using Brain-Based Learning (BBL) model based on scientific approach with Cabri 3D againts student’s mathematical communication ability. This research is an experimental Quasi Experimental with Design Nonequivalent Control Group Design, which is research subjects were not randomly grouped with the provision of preliminary and final tests. The population of this research is all students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Karang Baru, Aceh Tamiang. Two classes were selected as research samples, namely experimental class and control class. The instrument in this research is a test of Mathematical Communication Skill. The research data was analyzed by using T test. The result of this research indicates that learning by using Brain-Based Learning (BBL) model based on scientific approach with 3D Cabri is better than using scientific learning for improving mathematical communication ability for students.</p> Fazrina Saumi, Rizki Amalia Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Thu, 12 Apr 2018 04:18:47 +0000 The Impact of Language Use on Coffee Packaging Towards Consumer Behavior <p align="justify">The language choice and language used on the packaging of a product is a social interaction between the producer and the target consumer. This paper will examine on how is the impact of the use of Acehnese, English and Bahasa Indonesia on the consumer choice and attitude. Those three different languages are used in the Coffee packaging brand names, the brand names are Uleeekareng (Acehnese),&nbsp; KopiGayo (Bahasa Indonesia) and King Coffee (English). Speech Accommodation Theory (SAT) is used as the basis for this paper as it indicates that a group prefers its own language and will respond positively. Data was collected from people in two villages, KeudePeureulak and LabuhanKeude in Aceh Timur. Semi- Structured interview and observation are used as the instruments of the research. The finding indicates that the respondents preferred Acehnese over English and Bahasa Indonesia. The reasons are covering the issue of habitual behavior, easy to understand, the familiarity to brand names and the love to local product.</p> Fadlia Fadlia, Bukhari Bukhari, Irma Dewi Isda Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 The Implementation Of Cooperative Learning In Teaching Practice By Students Of Historical Department <p align="justify">Cooperative learning is one form of&nbsp; the active and innovative learning model. Cooperative learning can be one of the alternative in delivering materials during teaching and learning process at both primary and secondary school level and universities. In college, cooperative learning can be applied by students of history education department of samudra university at teaching practice through historical learning strategy. While in teaching practice activity is a students media to train their teaching skills as prospective teachers. This study discusses about: 1. Implementation of cooperative learning by students at teaching practice, 2. Advantages and disadvantages of applying cooperative learning during at teaching practice. This study used descriptive qualitative methods, analysis based on data obtained from the field and theoretical. Techniques&nbsp; of data collection through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that at teaching practice, the implementation of several learning models of cooperative learning conducted by students is guided by their learning implementation plan (RPP). Nevertheless, in practicing cooperative learning there are still students who do not implement the steps based on procedure. While the advantages of the implementation of cooperative learning at teaching practice include more students incriminate in learning activities.</p> Hartutik Hartutik, Reni Nuryanti Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Thu, 12 Apr 2018 04:28:35 +0000 An Analysis of Time Deixis to The Lectures inDifferences of Cultural Background in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Samudra University <p align="justify">The utterances of lectures at the University of Samudra containing deixis are often miscomprehended by the students. This case relates to the comprehension of the utterances in accordance to the references. One of many factors causing it is the different cultural background affecting language forms that are used by the speaker. Then, it may make the communication does not run as it has supposed to. Therefore, this study examines and analyses the deixis, particularly time deixis, which are used by the lecturers at the University of Samudra, Langsa. The data resources were lecturers of the faculty on teacher training and education with different cultural background, while the data were collected during learning by recording it. Those lecturers came of different tribes as Minangkabau, South Tapanuli, and Middle Java, which made them, had different cultural references while speaking. The data then were categorized in the accordance of time deixis. Result revealed that lecturers came of Minangkabau had deixis as <em>kemarin itu</em> (last day), <em>nanti siang</em> (afternoon later), <em>minggu lalu</em> (last week), <em>tadi</em> (just few moments ago), <em>nanti</em> (later), <em>kemarin</em> (yesterday), and <em>sekarang</em> (now). Then, lecturers came of South Tapanuli culture had time deixis as <em>sekarang</em> (now), <em>nanti</em> (later), <em>hari ini </em>(today),<em> bulan depan </em>(next month), <em>minggu depan </em>(next week), and <em>kemarin sore</em> (last afternoon). Meanwhile, lecturers from Javanese culture had time deixis as <em>hari ini</em> (today), <em>kemarin </em>(yesterday), <em>nanti </em>(later), <em>sekarang</em> (now), <em>minggu depan</em> (next week), and <em>dari tadi</em> (since few moments ago).</p> Desy Irafadillah Effendi, Maya Safhida, Joko Hariadi Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Creating Archives Based on Oral History As A Memory Keeping of The Local Wisdom Content <p align="justify">This paper examines the following: 1) memory of the local wisdom content and 2) how to create archives loaded with local wisdom through oral history. The method used in this paper is a literature review, which examines the writings relevant to the topic discussed. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that: thememory of the local wisdom content has a significant value. The content contained in the memory becomes the guideline of human beings in facing the challenges of the times. One way to create archives with local wisdom is to use oral history methods. This method has a more free space in peeling and the meaning an event. In-depth observations and interviews, allowing archived authors to generate some data. Withwell-organizedbookkeeping;a permanent and efficient archive will be created. This method is also a practical step of the orderly archive effort.</p> Reni Nuryanti, Hartutik Hartutik Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation of Road Complementary Building due to widening of Lilawangsa Road in Langsa City <p align="justify">Langsa City is one of the cities in Aceh province which is doing development in all fields, especially in economy and infrastructure. Road construction and upgrading has been a priority in Langsa City, one of which is Lilawangsa road. The function of Lilawangsa road is as collector road. This road crosses two villages, Paya Bujok Tunong village and Geudubang Jawa village, Langsa Baro subdistrict, Langsa city. Road improvement is done by widening the road, causing the road shoulder no longer exists. However, this is not included with planning for support facilities, such as pavements and green belt. This is a problem especially for pedestrians, because there is no such safe and comfortable facility. The purpose of this research is to evaluate Lilawangsa road Langsa City improvement based on requirement of road section as well as arrangement of pedestrian facility and green belt. Evaluate the eligibility of road function by using road safety audit. The research method was qualitative descriptive method, based on Road Safety Audit. The result is the arrangement of the Lilawangsa road segment is still not meet the standards for the road function as a collector road. There are still parts of the road that are not yet available and have not met the standards. Traffic lines on the Lilawangsa road dominate the Lilawangsa road, making the pedestrian pathway and facilities neglected.</p> Eka Mutia, Ellida Novita Lydia, Sumarni Sumarni Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect of Fineness Modulus of Fine Aggregate (sand) on Concrete Compressive Strength <p align="justify">Concrete is a buildings material made from a mixture of cement, sand, broken stone or gravel, and water.&nbsp; The fineness modulus is one of the physical properties of fine aggregates (sand). The Fineness Modulus (FM) of fine aggregates (sand) is an empirical figure obtained by adding the total percentage of the sample of a sand retained on each of a specified series of sieves and dividing the sum by 100. The fineness modulus of sand differs for each sand quarry. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of fineness modulus of fine aggregate (sand) on concrete compressive strength. The sand quarry taken in this study are from three sand quarry in Aceh Tamiang District. They are Johar quarry, Tanjung Karang quarry, and Alur Bamban quarry. The specimens of concrete used in the form of the cube measuring 150x150x150 mm amounted to 36 specimens. The compressive strength of concrete (fc') required is 21 MPa or K-250 with w/c ration 0.5. Concrete mix design using American Concrete Institute (ACI) method. The results showed that the fineness modulus of sand strongly influence the compressive strength of concrete. The classification of sand type is differentiated based on the results of fineness modulus test on each sand quarry. Sand fineness modulus (FM) of Johar quarry is 3.66 called medium sand (zone 2). Sand fineness modulus of</p> <p align="justify">Tanjung Karang quarry is 3.15 called mild sand (zone 3). And, Sand fineness modulus of Alur Bamban quarry is 2.52 called fine sand (zone 4). concrete compressive strength test results on johar quarry specimen is 21.1 MPa, tanjung karang quarry specimen is 22.1 MPa, and Alur Bamban quarry specimen is 21.5 MPa. Sand fineness modulus does not affect the concrete compressive strenght. The best classification of fine aggregate to increse concrete compressive strenght is mild sand (Tanjung Karang quarry).</p> Meilandy Purwandito, Hamdani Usman, Asmani Suria Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 “Damn! I Completely Forgot”: The Use of Swear Words by Millennial Women <p align="justify"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong>- The use of non-standard languages has mushroomed in the community even including the use of bad languages, the so-called swearing. People, nowadays, tend to swear a lot than they used to be. In recent years, swearing has become a part of everyday language use and it is not difficult at all to find many people use swear words within their daily interaction. Gender plays a significant role in swearing. There is a stereotype in most cultures that men are judged to swear more than women. Also, much research has revealed that males are likely to swear more than females in most cases. However, it has raised a question about the continuity of this belief. Based on the available literature, it is believed that the long-held assumption and stereotype seems no longer accurate. The purpose of this study was to find out the use of swear words by millennial women. This survey, then, was conducted at English Department of Samudra University involving 44 female students. The students were required to complete an anonymous survey on swearing. They were asked to fill out the questions related to rating the most offensive swear word; frequency of use of swear words in their everyday life; and also the most preferred words to be used within several occasions. The study successfully revealed the most common words used by millennial women. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the stereotype no longer fits with the current phenomena since females are getting familiar with a wide range of offensive words and even swearing becomes a part of their everyday language use now. Surprisingly, most respondents do not only prefer to use those taboo terms within same-sex companions but they also tend to swear in mixed-sex interaction.</p> Teuku Muhammad Ridha Al Auwal Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 The Role of Academic as Business Incubator: Innovativeness Capability for MSMEs Based On Market and Entrepreuneurial Orientation <p align="justify"><strong><em>Abstract-</em></strong> The presence of MSMEs are very developed and participated in supporting the Indonesian economy in the economic crisis.&nbsp; The economic growth of developing countries such as Indonesia is largerly supported by the existenceof micro, small, and medium entreprises (Hayasi,2007). In fact, the existence of MSMEs has also been shown to sustain economic stability in Indonesia when the economic crisis hit Indonesiain 1997, MSMEs can survive and exist until now (Tambunan, 2005). Furthermore,the government of Indonesia is trying to support the development of MSMEs in size and number by improving the performanceof MSMEs since MSMEs can absorb a lot of labor that less educated or even dropout of school. Therefore, this is very important to improve the performance of MSMEs in Indonesia ( Hamzani, 2015.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p align="justify">Business incubators are perceived as important mechanisms for sustainable development as they involve relevant stakeholders and activities to interact each other. Relationships with relevant partner organizations such as universities, business centers, and public research organizations represent opportunities for business incubators in boosting sustainable business development (Rizal, 2017). Academics have a role as an agent of disseminating and implementing the science, art and technology, as well as agents that form a constructive values for the development of creative industries in the community. Rizal (2017) also stated that the effect of variable-market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation is significantly influence to SMEs performance.</p> Dias Setianingsih, Muhammad Rizal Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 The EFL University Students’ Problems in Answering the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): A Study in Indonesian Context <p align="justify"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong>— TOEFL is a standard language testing used to assess the students’ English proficiency. This paper aims to explore the students’ problems in answering the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). A qualitative method was used in this study where the data taken from an in-depth semi-structured interview and TOEFL test. The subjects of this research were 30 students from five different faculties of Samudra University in Aceh, Indonesia. To gain the data, the subjects were tested and interviewed. The data analysis revealed that the students’ level difficulty in answering the TOEFL test was about above 60 per cent. The main problems of the students in answering the TOEFL test were described in several reasons, such as fewer English basic skills, no TOEFL preparation, and students’ personal perception. Further, investigation on students’ problems of TOEFL learning skills in each test section are needed and the provision of TOEFL subjects for the students is suggested to the university.</p> Merina Devira, Makhroji Makhroji Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 The Soft Skill Profile Study In Dealing With The Work Competition (Case Study On University Of Samudera Students) <p align="justify"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>-</em> Students need mastery of soft skill to be competent in the work competition, soft skill mastery attach to hard skill. The purpose of this research is: 1) to know the readiness of student professionalism in facing the work challenge from soft skill review, 2) to know the students’ opinion about the method of soft skill ability improvement in campus.</p> <p align="justify">This research is descriptive qualitative research to identify students’ soft skill ability and also to know the strength and the weakness of students’ soft skill in Samudra University. The numbers of the research’s respondents were one hundred students by using purposive sampling, which the respondents were students of year III and IV and as active student status.</p> <p align="justify">The results of this study indicate that (a) the communication aspect is categorized as less, (b) the group skill aspects is categorized in good category, (c) the entrepreneurship aspect is categorized in good category, (d) the leadership aspect is categorized in medium category, (e) both the ethics aspects and the organizational skill aspect are in medium category. In general, students have an opinion that there is a need to increase activities that support the development of their own soft skill.</p> Muhammad Rizqi Zati, Dhian Rosalina, Dyah Ayu Ardiyanti Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 The Implementation Of Active Learning Pedagogical Practices In Senior High Schools <p align="justify"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>- This paper has the purpose to investigate how the active learning pedagogical practices were implemented in senior high schools. This investigation focused on analyzing the teachers’ understanding in applying a shifting of the teacher-centered learning to the student-centered learning. A qualitative method was used in this study which employed three instruments: non-participant observations, interviews, and conversational group discussions. The study was conducted in two different senior high schools, including SMA 1 Langsa and SMA Langsa, Aceh. Four (4) classes of students in grade XI and four (4) teachers from two different schools were selected as the participants of study. The findings show that the teachers in SMA 1 has understood the functions of active learning pedagogy eventhough its implementation was still not executed holistically. Meanwhile, in case of the teachers in SMA 5, there were many missing points of active learning pedagogy which was not applied by the teachers, mostly regarding a lack of teachers’ actions to build students’ understanding, although the teachers were aware of the importance of active learning pedagogy for English subject.</em></p> Fadlia Fadlia, Merina Devira, Chairuddin Chairuddin Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Code Switching Among Bilingual Teenagers <p align="justify"><strong>Abstarct- </strong>This research deal with code switchng used in bilingual teenagers. The bilingual teenagers means come from intermerriage family. It was investigate the types of code switching that used in bilingual teenagers’ conversation and also why they did it. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The data collected by record and transcript their utterances then underlying them that contain code switching. Two types of code switching found in bilingual teenagers’ conversation namely; emblematic code switching and situational code switching. Three underlying reasons for code switching were found, they were talking about particular topic, interjection (inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors) and express group identity. The dominant reason that used is express group identity because the participants want to express their ability in using language by switch their language.</p> Purwati Purwati Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Factors Contributing Acehnese Youth Shift Their Vernacular Language <p align="justify"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong>— This Research title is factors contributing Acehnese youth in shift their vernacular language .This research method used case study in qualitative research design,.This research location is in Langsa City, This research focus on language shift that used by Acehnese youth which age range 18-21 years old.the subjects consists of ten (10) respondents for each distric in tottaly fifty respondents (50) as a subjects of this research.The instruments that used in this research are: 1) Observation, 2) questioner, 3) and Interview. The technique of data analysis used the interactive model of Mile’s and Hubarman which consits of; 1) data reduce, 2) Data display, 3) data verification, 4) and conclusion. From data analysis found that there are six factors of shifting ; 1) economic, 2) demography, 3) attitude and, 4) prestige, 5) language use, 6) and social interaction.</p> Maria Ulfa, Irma Dewi Isda, Purwati Purwati Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Teacher's Ability for Solving Mathematical Problems <p align="justify"><strong><em>Abstract</em>—</strong> The ability of teachers to support the process and learning outcomes that needs to be improved quality and professionalism as a teacher. The purpose of this study is to determine the knowledge of teachers in solving mathematics problems about the national exam questions. Subject in this study was mathematics teachers of SMP/MTs as many as 20 people from ten schools in Pidie District selected by purposive sampling. This research was a descriptive research with the qualitative approach. Research data obtained from the test of professional competence for mathematics problems equivalent to the question of National Examination (UN) at junior high school level, and the results of the discussion with the subject of research. Furthermore, the test results are converted to percentage values and analyzed descriptively. The result of the research shows that 65% of teachers complete in answer thirty math problems. Most teachers have difficulty in solving non-routine math problems and also relate to angular materials and lines, sets, and comparisons. Thus, to improve the professional competence of teachers in mastering mathematics material is needed.</p> Rini Sulastri, M Ikhsan, Rahmah Johar, Hifzi Meutia Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Introduction Of Geographic Information System (GIS) For SMA/SMK/MA Students In Langsa, Aceh <p align="justify"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>-</em> Geographic Information System (GIS) application is one of the tools for digital-based information management but not widely understood by Indonesian society including students. The purpose of this paper is to know the understanding level of the application and utilization of GIS for the student in SMA/SMK/MAN in Langsa, Aceh. The study was conducted for 3 (three) months from October to December 2016 in six schools, i.e., SMAN 1 Langsa, SMAN 2 Langsa, SMKN 1 Langsa, SMKN 2 Langsa, MAN 1 Langsa and MAN 2 Langsa. This activity was conducted in two stages, socialization of GIS and evaluating students' level of understanding of GIS concepts. We have selected 100 students from each school as respondents. The level of student understanding was measured using a questionnaire. All data were analyzed by using descriptively quantitative. The results showed that the level of students' understanding of the GIS concept is very good (67.5%). Meanwhile, the number of students that do not understand the GIS concept is only 1.33%.</p> Teuku Hasan Basri, Teuku Muhammad Faisal, Adi Bejo Suwardi Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 The Student’s Character In Technical Implementation Unit Of The Language To Staff’s Surveillance At Samudra University 2017 <p align="justify"><strong><em>Abstract- </em></strong>Technical implementation unit of the language (<em>UPT Bahasa</em>) is not just a place to study about language or TOEFL, but it should also be able to educate and nurture the student’s character, in addition to providing knowledge to them. In interaction, staff and students must be active and goodness. Each staff must comprehend themselves about the best characteristics which will they show to the students in <em>UPT Bahasa</em>. Student’s character is the priority to staff’s attention because the good students in a good character will build the nation’s character. The aims of this article are&nbsp;(1) To find out the student’s character in <em>UPT Bahasa Staff’s surveillance and (2) </em>To know what characteristic is needed to be good character student. This study used descriptive qualitative method to explore a variety of data.</p> Allif Syahputra Bania, Nuraini Nuraini Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Effectiveness of Curriculum-Based Chemical Textbook 2013 in Growing Student Character <p align="justify"><strong><em>Abstract-</em> </strong>This study aims to produce textbooks that can effectively develop psychomotor aspects in students in chemistry lessons in SMA / MA Class XI Semester 1. The population in this study is the class XI students in SMA / MA in Medan City, North Sumatra Province. The sample was taken purposively. The research approach used in this research is an experimental study used to see the results of trial use of books on psychomotor growth of students. Prior to giving treatment to the sample, prerequisite test was done by Kolmogorof-Smirnov test and Levene test with significance level α = 0,05. Data analysis technique use independent sample t test with SPSS 20 for windows at significance level α = 0,05. The results showed that the psychomotor value of students is more developed in the experimental class that is using the developed book (Curriculum Book 2013) than in the control class using the Curriculum Curriculum KTSP.</p> Molani Paulina Hasibuan, Ratih Permana Sari Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Understanding Acehnese Literature In Framing Of Nusantara Literature <p align="justify"><strong><em>Abstract-</em> </strong>As one of the provinces in Indonesia, Aceh had been significant contribution for developing of literature in Nusantara. As the entry gate of Islamic in Nusantara, Aceh has had &nbsp;an importance position for developing of its literature. Acehnese literature influenced the development of Islamic and related with society custom. Many of literary works written by Acehnese author were also affected toward the development of literature in Nusantara. The characteristic of Acehnese literature almost the same with classical literature as follow as anonymous, delivery orally and hereditary. Most of the literary works produced namely the poem perahu &nbsp;written by Hamzah Fansuri by using Sufism approach, Bustanul as Salatin by Nuruddin ar-Raniry, The tale of Prang Sabi by Tengku Chik Pante Kulu expressed about the patriotism of Acehnese in defending their homeland from colonialism, The tale of&nbsp; Pocut Muhammad, The tale of Putroe Bungsu and others. The whole of this literary works presenting by oral caused the characteristic of Acehnese are preferable to talk rather than to write. The research aimed to see the development of Acehnese literature in the framing of Nusantara literature. The method used library studies through understanding some references refer to the development of Acehnese literature. The result of the research shown that the development of Acehnese literature starts from classical till now had been contributed toward the development of literature in Nusantara. It can be stated from many literary works produced by Acehnese authors had been given a &nbsp;significant position to Nusantara literature. &nbsp;The research concluded that the development of acehnese literature had contributed the development of literature in Nusantara.</p> Baihaqi Baihaqi, Imran Imran, Muhammad Yakob Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence Of The Use Of Mind Map On Students` Analytical Ability (Experimental Study on Demography, Geography Education Program, Universitas Samudra in Langsa City Academic Year 2016/2017) <p align="justify"><strong><em>Abstract</em>-</strong> All articles must contain an abstract. The abstract text should be formatted using 10 The Mind Map was developed by Tony Buzan in 1970 as a tool for student needs in notes, remembering and understanding the subject matter. Use of Mind Maps on researching the actual workings of the brain. The use of Mind Maps allows students to balance left and right brain usage by using keywords, colors, images, and symbols when the manufacturing process takes place. This study aims to determine the effect of using Mind Maps to the power of geography analysis of Samudra University students. The research was conducted at Samudra University academic year 2016/2017,&nbsp; in Demography courses. The subjects of the study were students who took the subjects of Demography Unit 1 as the experimental class and unit 2 as the control class. The selected research subjects is determined based on the mean score. This research is a research experiment of quasi (quasi-experi ment) with Nonequivalent Control Group Design research design. The power measurement analysis instrument is performed using a test essay. The measurement results were analyzed using t-test with the help of SPSS 16.0 for Windows program. The results show the learning power in the experimental class by using a mind map higher than the control class that does not use the mind map.</p> Zukya Rona Islami, Ramdan Afrian, Nurlina Nurlina Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Study Of Principal Leadership Style And Teacher Performance On High School Competitiveness In Langsa, Aceh <p align="justify"><strong><em>Abstract- </em></strong>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of principal leadership style and teacher performance on high school competitiveness in Langsa. The study was conducted at 8 (eight) high schools in Langsa, namely SMAN 1 Langsa, SMAN 2 Langsa, SMAN 3 Langsa, SMAN 4 Langsa, SMAN 5 Langsa, SMAS Jaya Langsa, SMAS Muhammadiyah Langsa, and SMAS Unggul Cut Nyak Dien Langsa. The population of this study were all principals and high school teachers consisting of 8 principals and 326 teachers. Data analysis was done by using questionnaires and documentation. The result of the research shows that there is the influence of headmaster leadership style to teacher performance and there is a correlation between principal's leadership style and teacher's performance with high school competitiveness in Langsa.</p> Sofiyan Sofiyan, Adi Bejo Suwardi, Rizki Amalia Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence of Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, And Internet-Based Advertising Against Online Purchase Decision In Students of Faculty of Economics of Samudra University <p align="justify">The new media changed the style of marketing and communication, but also affect the characteristics of consumers themselves. In addition, the internet not only offers consumers a more efficient way to shop amid the busyness, consumers are able to easily see a product and service, to compare, and also help create better relationships between sellers and buyers. The purposes of this research are to know and analyze partially Search engine optimization, social media, and internet-based advertisement in influencing an online purchase decision. This article also analyzes simultaneously search engine optimization, social media, and internet-based advertisement in Influence online purchase decisions. This article is descriptive quantitative explanatory research with a population in this study is a student of the Faculty of Economics, University of Samudra. The sampling technique used is accidental sampling. Methods of data collection were conducted by interviews, questionnaires, and documentation studies. Data analysis method is done by multiple linear analysis methods. The results showed that 1) search engine optimization, social media, and internet-based advertising partially have a positive and significant Influence on online purchase decisions. 2) Search engine optimization, social media, and internet-based ads simultaneously have a positive and significant online purchase decision.</p> Ziaul Maula, Endang Sulistya Rini, Beby Karina F Sembiring Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Density Of Soil Macraofauna At Different Level Vegetation In The Gunung Leuser National Park Resort Tenggulun <p align="justify">The litterfall in the forest is the main resource of nutrient cycles in the forest ecosystem. Soil macrofauna is part of the soil biodiversity an important role in the improvement of physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil through the process of immobilization and humification to maintain the availability of nutriens. This research was conducted to determine the density of soil macrofauna at different levels of vegetation density in Gunung Leuser National Park Resort Tenggulun. The results showed that there are 16 types of soil macrofauna found in Gunung Leuser National Forest Forest with details a high and low density of 12 species and medium density of 8 species. At high density obtained soil macrofauna of 17.6 individuls/m<sup>2</sup>, medium density 12,96 individuals/m<sup>2</sup> and low density 9,12 individuals/m<sup>2</sup>. The higher level of vegetation density than higher macrofauna density of the soil.</p> Zulfan Arico, Sri Jayanthi Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Market Orientation, Entrepreneurship Orientation And Performances Of Micro Small And Medium Entreprise – MSMEs: Evidence From Langsa And Kuala Simpang, Indonesia <p align="justify">Low business productivity occurs due to lack of knowledge from entrepreneurs, lack of entrepreneurial spirit, education level and no experience of the business undertaken. But for those who want to learn and be patient in running their business will gain business success and ultimately can increase business scale from micro business to small business even to medium business. Then entrepreneurs can expand their business by looking at market orientation through entrepreneurial orientation.</p> <p>The purpose of this research are To know the partial influence and Simultaneous Orientation of Entrepreneurship and Market Orientation on the Performance of Small and Medium Micro Enterprises (MSMEs) in Langsa City and Kuala Simpang City intersection and To see the difference of influence of Orientation of Entrepreneurship, Market Orientation and performance Small and Medium Micro Enterprises (MSMEs) in Langsa&nbsp; and Kuala Simpang city.</p> <p align="justify">The results showed that partially and simultaneously there is a significant effect of entrepreneurship orientation and market orientation on the performance of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Langsa and Kuala Simpang. Based on the Independent T-test, there is no difference in entrepreneurship and performance orientation level in Langsa City and Kuala Simpang, while market orientation variables in Langsa City and Kota Kuala Simpang are different.</p> <p align="justify">From the analysis of coefficient of determination can be seen that the variables of entrepreneurship orientation and market orientation can affect the performance of SMEs in Langsa City of 73.1%, while the remaining 26.9% influenced by other factors outside the model of this study. While in Kuala Simpang city can be seen that the variation of entrepreneurship orientation and market orientation can affect the performance of SMEs in the City of Kuala Simpang of 32.3%, while the rest of 77.7% is influenced by other factors outside the model.</p> Muhammad Rizal, Dias Setianingsih Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Tensile Loading on Composite Polymeric Foam Reinforced by Empty Fruit Bunch Waste (EFB) <p align="justify">The utilization of Empty Fruit Bunch palm oil (EFB) waste into a material product that has high competitiveness is still limited in utilized.&nbsp; It is open the possibility of EFB fiber is processed into other materials or structures.&nbsp; So, the economic value of the waste material can be raised and at the same time can give solutions for handling waste products previously. Data obtained from the Aceh Forestry and Plantation Office in 2009, in Aceh there are 25 units of palm oil processing factory with a total operating capacity of 551.12 tons per hour. From the data, using the assumption of 20% Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) will produce solid waste in the form of EFB in a day of 110,224 tons. If this waste is not being utilized it will disrupt the environment. EFB waste has been mixed with Resin, polymeric foam agent and catalyst to produce new polymeric foam composite material reinforced by EFB fibers which are light and also strength.&nbsp; The tensile test was performed to determine the maximum strength of polymeric foam material composite reinforced by EFB fibers and the test specimens using the D-638 standard. The variations of composition were applied on the specimen test based on the weight of each composition, and mesh 80.&nbsp; From the test results obtained a loaded force and a maximum strength average of the materials composite are respectively 874,267 N and 8,921 MPa.</p> Zainal Arif, Taufan Arif Adlie, Fazri Amir, Sulaiman Thalib, Nurdin Ali, Nazaruddin Nazaruddin, Mustafa Mustafa Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Agricultural and its Contribution to Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Aceh, Indonesia <p align="justify">Aceh Province is one of the regions with the largest potential of agriculture sector in Indonesia. The agricultural sector is the main livelihood of rural communities in Aceh. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of agriculture sector to overcome poverty in Aceh Province. The results show that more than 25 percent of Aceh's economy is supported by the agricultural sector. In the absorption of labor, the agricultural sector is able to absorb more labor than other sectors. Where almost half the <em>people</em> of Aceh work in the agricultural sector. The growing agricultural sector in Aceh, also further reduces unemployment, improves the quality of community welfare, and reduces poverty. Opportunities to accelerate poverty reduction are still open when improvements are made to agricultural productivity where the concentration of the poor is present. Therefore, it is important for the government to encourage the growth of the agricultural sector in order to realize the distribution of income and welfare of society and encourage the economic growth of Aceh in the future.</p> Khairul Aswadi, Ratna Mutia, Martahadi Martahadi Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Identification Of Biodiversity In Siosar Pineforest Karo District, North Sumatra <p align="justify">This study aims to identify biodiversity in <em>Pinnus mercusii</em> forest in Karo District. Observations on plants using the quadratic method by making 10 plots, 2 x 2 m, recording seedling plants that exist in each plot. In addition, carbon sequestration was performed on Pinnus mercusii plants by using allometric equations to extrapolate biomass. Carbon calculations are performed using the quadratic method. Aves observation is done by point count or indices ponctuele d'abundance method. Using 5 observation stations by walking, stopping and silent at certain observation posts. Observation of mammals using survey methods and point determination. Drawn 200 m at point 1, 2 and 3, observed the type and number of mammals. Herpetofauna cluster using visual encounter survey method (VES). The results show that there are 14 species of seedling, 15 species of aves, 2 species of mammals, 2 species of reptiles and 6 species of amphibians. The result of carbon calculation on <em>Pinnus mercusii</em> plants is 6,365,063 ton /ha.</p> Andini Saputri, Zidni Ilman Navia, Kartika Aprilia Putri, Beni Alfajar Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 The Management Of Mangrove Forestry Based On Local Wisdom In Coastal Community At Deli Serdang Regency And Serdang Bedagai Regency <p align="justify">The existing of local community in the exchange of environment of growing local wisdom on mangrove forestry management has become a very important study. There is very closed interaction between the local community and the mangrove forest. The aim of this research is to analyze the existing of mangrove forest in coastal area of Deli Serdang Regency and Serdang Bedagai Regency as a part of local wisdom that has been used by the coastal community in mangrove forest management. This study uses Cultural Ecology Theory&nbsp; by Steward (1995) in case of analyze the adaptation process of community. The growth of local wisdom of mangrove forest management at coastal area of Deli Serdang Regency and Serdang Bedagai Regency was through learning process that was introduced by some institutions. The management of mangrove forest was done by growing social awareness of managing mangrove forest based on social capital of group community. To reach this aim, the method of this study is qualitative approach with depth interview, obesrvation participation and focus group discussion.</p> Farid Aulia Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect Of An Alternative KCL Fertilizer From Coconut Husk On Morphology Of Oryza sativa L. Cempo Ireng <p align="justify">Black rice (<em>Oryza sativa L. Cempo Ireng</em>) is one of the rice varieties that are rich in nutrients viz. anthocyanin, flavonoids, vitamin B1and E, Fe and amino acids. In Indonesia, utilization of nutrients in the black rice is still limited due to low productivities and its cultivation is also not well known. An alternative natural fertilizer that can improve the productivity of black rice is organic KCl fertilizer derived from coconut husk. The current study aimed to analyze the effect of organic KCl fertilizer on the morphological growth of black rice including stem height, number of leaves, number of tillers, and time of panicle out. The research was carried out in a greenhouse using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) single factor (concentration of organic KCl fertilizer) with five treatments levels: 0 ml (P<sub>0</sub>) as control, 20 ml (P<sub>1</sub>), 40 ml (P<sub>2</sub>), 60 ml (P<sub>3</sub>) and 80 ml (P<sub>4</sub>). All experiments were performed in five replications. Application of KCl fertilizer on the growth of black rice was given at three different times i.e. at 0 day after sowing (DAS), 7 DAS, 21 DAS and the transition time of vegetative to generative phase. The data obtained were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and continued by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at a 95% confidence level. The results showed that the application of KCl fertilizer at concentration of 20 ml/L had the significant effect on the plant height, number of tillers, number of leaves, and time of panicle out. The organic KCl fertilizer at concentration of 20 ml/L has increased the growth of 31.8 %, the number of tillers by 19 %, the number of leaves by 100%. Therefore, this study presents an alternative organic fertilizer that would enhance productivity of plant, as a result would contribute to strengthen national food and also minimize environmental pollution.</p> Fitriani Fitriani, Vivi Mardina, Andini Saputri Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Design and Fabrication Forced Convection Fish Smoking Kiln <p align="justify">A combination of smoke, salt, and drying is one of the earliest recorded methods of food preservation. These procedures, loosely known as "Smoking" or "Smoke Preservation," are successful because they kill food spoilage bacteria or render them harmless by altering the chemistry of the food these spoilage organisms need to grow. Traditional methods of smoked food preservation typically produced high salt and low moisture content products that are not desirable to most modern consumers. In this research, we have designed a unit of fish smoke of forced convection type. Convection air flowed using a fan is expected to keep the temperature and heat evenly distributed in the evaporating chamber. This is to maintain the quality of fish is characterized by the level of maturity evenly. The fish-smoking apparatus has dimensions of 154 cm long, 60 cm wide, 110 cm high, equipped with an air fan of 20 cm x 20 cm. Test results on tuna samples weighing 20 kg, fish smokers can reduce the water content in fish 58% within 2 hours.</p> Fazri Amir, Taufan Arif Adlie, Zainal Arif, Agus Mukhtar, Liza Fitria Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Business Development Strategy of Family Medicinal Plants From The Economic Side (Case Study of Seuriget Village of West Langsa Sub District) <p align="justify">This research was conducted with the aim of identifying, collecting, processing and analyzing data about strength factors, weakness, opportunity, threats in developing the family medicinal plant business from the economic and business development strategy of family medicinal plants from the economic side of the research area.The population in this study is the people who grow the family medicinal plants in the yard of the house in the village of Seuriget District Langsa Barat. The sample is the entire population of 35 families. The data sources in this study was primary and secondary data. Data analysis method used was descriptive analysis with SWOT analysis.From the research result, it was that the strength in the development of family medicine plant business from the economic side was taken an organic medicine. The weakness in the development of family medicinal plant business from the economic side is the price is still low from the economic and plant side which was used as slow drug result. Opportunities in the development of family medicinal plant business from the economic side are always needed by the community, in addition, to being used as medicine and apply the pattern of life back to nature with organic materials. Threats to the development of family medicinal plant business from the economic side are fewer enthusiasts who use family medicinal plants as the alternative to drugs and prefer to use chemical-based drugs. The development strategy of the family’s medicinal plant business was focused on increasing the community’s interest in the needs of family medicinal plants that can be taken as an organic medicine besides raw materials for cooking and can be processed into food or other forms of more economic value. To increase community interest in family medicinal plants must be done continuously through socializing the benefits of family medicinal plants from the economic side either through counseling or training to the community, especially in the research area.</p> Syardiansah Syardiansah, Ayu Artlinta Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Antioxidant Activity of Three Types of Medicinal Plants From Aceh <p align="justify">The province of Aceh has a crop diversity that has the potential to be developed as a medicine. The plants are the barks of <em>Dyera costulata</em>, barks of <em>Lannea coromandelica</em> and the of <em>Vitex pinnata</em> Linn leaves. Ditermine analysis antioxidant activity with 2,2 diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and as a positive control used vitamin C (ascorbit acid). The result of antioxidant activity test in methanol extract showed that IC50 (Inhibition Concentration) value for barks of <em>Lannea coromandelica</em> 6.11, IC50 for <em>Vitex pinnata</em> Linn leaves 19.05 and IC50 values for barks of <em>Dyera costulata</em> 19.59. Of the three types of medicinal plants tested for their antioxidant activity, the bark of the <em>Lannea glandis</em> has the best antioxidant activity with IC50 of 6.11. IC50 vitamin C (ascorbat acid) 4,56.</p> Mastura Mastura, Hasby Hasby, Suhartono Suhartono Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Potential Test Of Antimicroba Seeds Mangrove Plant (Avicennia Marina SP.) As A Reservation For Mangrove Crab (Scylla Serrata) <p align="justify">The amount of natural resources in Langsa is mangrove plant which is can be utilized for health especially in searching raw materials of medicines like an antimicrobial drug. Besides that, the availability of mangrove crab is also one of local potentials which are loved by local community. However, the people should take care in consuming mangrove crab because of its bacteria is very harmful as a damage both in short and long term. This study aimed to assess the potency of mangrove as an antimicrobial and to indicate bioactive components of mangrove in overcoming the disease in mangrove crab. Data were collected by taking Avicennia marina mangrove seeds in Kuala Langsa village. The samples were 1 kg of old and intact mangrove seeds. The phytochemical screening test showed that there were a few of bioactive compounds contained in mangrove seeds such as triterpenoid, tanin, phenol and alkaloid. Test of mangrove seeds as inhibitory was conducted by using agar diffusion method in methanol and n-hexane. Respectively, extract of that sample in methanol and n hexane obtained average clear zone of 3.13 mm and 3.03 mm over its positive zone. Furthermore, the clinical symptoms of mangrove crab after soaked by extract of mangrove seeds exhibit several changes like the decreasing of melanosis in carapace, the waning of swimming to be red and the color of carapace begins to be greenish.</p> Ratih Permana Sari, Molani Paulina Hasibuan Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Concentration And the Prevalence Of Application Effect Of Fungi Beauveria Bassiana On The Growth Of Soy Pest (Glycine Max, (L) Merr) <p align="justify">This research aims to examine the effect of giving Bauveria Bassiana (K) extract to the pest of soy plant Glycine max, (L) Merr, which include <em>Spodoptera lidura</em>, <em>Bemisia tabacci</em>, and <em>Nezara viridulla</em>. The research was conducted in Gampong Jawa Village, Langsa Kota Sub-dsitrict, Kota Langsa. It was carried out from March until September 2016 at the elevation of 3,4 m above sea level and soil pH was 6. Factorial Randomized Blocked Design was used for the research experiment, testing the hypothesis that concentration, application regime and combination of both factors affect the growth of the pests. Four levels of Bauveria Bassiana (K) concentrations and four levels of application frequency were used during the experiment. The parameter observed were pest population, pest mortality, outbreak prevalence and the percentage of bean deffect. The research shows that all the three source of variations (concentration, frequency and combination of both concentration and frequency) significantly affect the growth of Glycine max (L) Merr pest. Research also suggested that the optimal concentration to be applied to Glycine Max, (L) Merr is 32,5 ml/l&nbsp; water and the concentrate must be given once in every week.</p> Cut Mulyani, Hamidul Nizar Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 The Acceptance Model for Adoption of Hospital's Information and Communication Technology in RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi Surabaya <p align="justify">Information and Communication Technology Hospital (ICT hospital) is an accurate presentation of information, as support the process of management and decision-making functions in providing health services in the hospital. aim of this study was to determine the role of the medical hospital in the use of technology with TAM (technology acceptence model). Determine the adoption of ICT by the medical hospitals such as the Nurse, the laboratories, pharmacists and others who use ICT hospital named <em>Sistem Informasi Soewandhi</em> in RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi Surabaya. The data used in this study is the medical as responden in this study is that totaled 135 people. Data processing using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). From the test results it can be concluded that the medical easily using ICT hospitals owned by the RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi Surabaya in a relatively fast time, because the use of ICT this hospital has been used not until 1 (one) year.</p> Ryan Pramanda, Aditya Sudiarno, Dewiyana Dewiyana Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 The Phenomenon Of Husbands Are Afraid Of Wives By The Method Of Forward Chaining And Maturity Scale Techniques <p align="justify">The phenomenon of a husband who is afraid of the wife has become a byword in general that spread in the community. The facts about this issue have even been filmed so much that this problem becomes very acute. This research will use qualitative descriptive method by spreading open questionnaires to get answers to anticipation of problem of husband fear wife. Husband is the head of the family will greatly disrupt the integrity of the comfort of family life and society if the husband is afraid of the wife. The measurement process is carried out using forward chaining method and maturity scale technique. The combined motode and technique provide the best results for this measurement process. The research data is taken at the department of informatics engineering, Universitas Samudra 2017.</p> Rizalul Akram, Allif Syahputra Bania Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Improving Students’ Ability Through Mathematical PBL Model at Junior High School <p align="justify">The study investigated the junior high school students’ learning experiences to develop their metacognitive factors; logical, critical, creativity, consistency, and self-esteem within solving mathematical equation problematics. The study introduces Problem Based-Learning (PBL) to enhance students’ metacognitive factors as characteristic building consistency to self-sustainable personal. The model signified humanized humanity feature of Khalifa pedagogic experiences in early layer, junior high school. It reformed the very concept of pedagogic metacognitive to solve problems. The study described about the students’ achievement in PBL for mathematics subject. The samples are the seventh-grade students of SMP N 1 Kota Langsa. There are 66 (sixty-six) students who participated and selected through their ability to work in individual, collective, and superiority. The study assessed the students’ achievement through validated test. The tests instruments have been validated by the proficient in educational evaluation. The test posted 0, 873 of reliable coefficient ratio. The results analyzed through statistical equations description. The result projected about the students’ problem-solving achievement features, i.e. there are 46 students who well-understand in problem-solving category and gave answer completely and correctly, there are 58 students who able to organized in problem-solving category and also gave answer completely and correctly, there are 37 students who settled in fair-understand category in problem-solving and also gave answer completely and correctly, and there are 16 students who settled in sufficient category. In conclusion, the study proved PBL effectivity for students’ learning experiences to solve problem within mathematical equation. It is suggested to be applied in science for elementary school subjects as one of teaching pedagogic model.</p> Marzuki Marzuki Copyright (c) 2018 International Conference on Science, Technology and Modern Society Tue, 27 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000