Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Pembelajaran IPAS Menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar
The results showed that the teaching module of the first cycle was obtained on average 85.41% (B), increasing in the second cycle to 91.66% (SB). The results of the implementation of the teacher aspect of the first cycle were obtained on average 83.91% (B), increasing in the second cycle to 92.85% (SB). The results of the implementation of learning aspects of students in the first cycle were obtained on average 83.91% (B), increasing in the second cycle to 92.85% (SB). The results of the first cycle attitude assessment were obtained from 12 outstanding students, namely 6 people with a positive attitude and 6 people with a negative attitude, then in the second cycle 4 people were obtained who stood out with a positive attitude. The assessment of knowledge and skills in the first cycle was obtained on average 76.98 (C), increasing in the second cycle to 88.19 (B). Thus, it can be concluded that the Problem Based Learning model can improve the learning outcomes of students in science and science learning in grade IV of SDN 14 Laban, Pesisir Regency South.