Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Bagi Anak Autis Pada Masa Covid – 19 Di Sdn 09 Koto Luar Penyelenggara Pendidikan Inklusif

  • Ummul Afifah Kurnia Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Ardisal Ardisal Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Autistic children, COVID-19, Islamic education


This research was based on the unfamiliarity of teachers and students with autism in the implementation of online learning for Islamic education lessons which were carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic at SDN 09 Koto Luar, which provides inclusive education. This study aims to find out how the online learning process of Islamic education for autistic children in high class during the COVID-19 period at SDN 09 Koto Luar.The method used was descriptive qualitative, the research subjects were Islamic education teachers, parents of autistic children, and autistic children (X). The main purpose of this research was to systematically describe the facts and characteristics of the objects and subjects studied in a precise manner about the process of implementing online learning of Islamic education for high-class autistic children during the COVID-19 period at SDN 09 Koto Luar. The data obtained and collected through observation, interviews and documentation studies were obtained then analyzed and presented by making conclusions about the data that has been collected.The results of this study were about the process of implementing Islamic education learning online during the COVID-19 period which was carried out using the assignment method through an online application, namely WhatsApp by providing material in the form of material photos, voice notes and videos. Activities evaluation carried out by the teacher, such as giving weekly assignments and carrying out daily tests in the form of questions. Furthermore, the main problems and difficulties experienced by teachers, parents and autistic children were the difficulty of understanding autistic children who were still at the elementary level about the online lessons, which usually autistic children need to carry out direct and intensive learning to understand the lessons.
