Implementasi Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Inklusif di SMP Negeri 23 Padang

  • Erna Juwita Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Mega Iswari Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Implementation, Inclusive Education, Children with Special Needs, Inclusion Schools


This study aims to reveal and describe how the implementation of inclusive education in SMP Negeri 23 Padang. This type of research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The research subjects include the principal, the coordinator of inclusive education, special guidance teachers, subject teachers, parents, and students with special needs. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation study. The results showed that 1) The acceptance of new students, students with special needs through two channels, namely the online PSBN and the inclusion pathway, 2) SMPN 23 Padang using the national curriculum, namely K13 and KTSP, which have not been modified according to the characteristics and needs of students with special needs. 3) The implementation of inclusive learning is carried out in a regular class model (pull out) where students with special needs learn together with other regular students, but within a certain time students with special needs can be drawn to the inclusion room by a special supervisor, 4) assessment for students with special needs equal to regular students, but for students who are slow to learn and learning difficulties are given remedial learning. 5) For teaching staff and education personnel, this school already has a coordinator and four special tutors with special educational backgrounds. 6) For facilities and infrastructure, as schools that provide inclusive education, the school has an inclusion room, several learning media for children with special needs, and public facilities. However, no accessibility matches the characteristics and needs of the existing crew members. 7) SMPN 23 Padang received financial support from the government from 2012 to 2014 in organizing inclusive education in schools. Now schools only receive BOS National funds, School BOS for special mentor teachers who still have honorarium status. 8) Related parties who contributed to SMPN 23 Padang such as special education experts, namely UNP PLB lecturers who helped provide input or consultations related to children with special needs and on how to implement inclusive education in schools. Besides, there is also the collaboration with psychology and UPT PKLK Padang.
