Bamboo in The Area of Sumatra Institute of Technology and Its Potency in Landscape Gardens

  • Yeni Rahayu Institut Teknologi Sumatera
  • Dita Ervianti Jakarta State University
  • Rizka Nabilah Sumatra Institute of Technology
Keywords: Bamboo, Inventarization, ITERA, landscape Architecture, Ornamental Bamboo


A study to inventory the bamboo species that originally grew in about 275.52 Ha area of the campus Sumatra Institute of Technology (ITERA) Lampung conducted by the census method. The results obtained 17 clumps of bamboo that have been identified as three species and classified into two genera. They were Bambusa (Bambusa glaucophylla and B. multiplex), and Dendrocalamus (Dendrocalamus asper). However, there is also one more species, namely B. vulgaris var. waminii, that planted in a pottery in the nursery of the ITERA Botanical Garden. The information about bamboo species provided in the taxonomical descriptions and a determination key. The potency of those bamboos in a landscape garden was analyzed as a live fence, planted as a focal point, and canopy or giving shade effects. Each species has different potency since it has unique morphological features.  

Author Biographies

Dita Ervianti, Jakarta State University

Department of Biology, Jakarta State University, East Jakarta 13220

Rizka Nabilah, Sumatra Institute of Technology

Department of Landscape Architecture, Sumatra Institute of Technology
