Freshwater Fish Distribution and Biodiversity in the Padang-Bengkulu Border Area

  • Meyla Suhendra Riau university
  • Achmad Farajallah Bogor Agricultural University
  • Arif Wibowo Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Keywords: freshwater fish, biodiversity, Sumatra River


Freshwater fish exploration in Sumatra necessary to do especially the western regions. Its because the region has a unique type of waters and rivers are short order. This study aims to determine the distribution and diversity of freshwater fish in the Padang- Bengkuluborder area. Sampling was conducted on 13 rivers with a total of 40 sampling site. A total of 6848 fish consisting of 37 species successfully collected. The highest catches from  Mukomuko I station while the lowest catches in Pasar Sebelah. The most common species found isthe family Cyprinidae, while the widest distribution of species isthe family Cichlidae. The diversity of species is obtained ranged between 0.89-1.41 which is low. There is a dominance of species at each station ranged between 3.42. The highest similarity is obtained from the close sampling site and have a similar habitat. Public awareness to doing tradisional conservation are seen like restrict area for catch the fish and this called Rantau Larangan. 

Author Biographies

Achmad Farajallah, Bogor Agricultural University

Department Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Jl. Dramaga, Bogor, West Java.

Arif Wibowo, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries

Research Institute for Inland Fisheries and Extensions , Agency for Research and Human Resources, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.


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