The Growth of Bacillus cereus (IHB B 379) Isolates at Different Temperature and Concentration of Mercury Chloride (HgCl2)
Bacillus cereus (IHB B 379) has been isolated from the sediments of the illegal gold mining area located in Danau Biru Singkawang, these bacteria have resistant properties by being able to grow on media containing HgCl2 with a concentration of 500 ppm. This study aimed to determine the effect of temperature and concentration of mercuric chloride (HgCl2) on the growth of Bacillus cereus (IHB B 379) and to determine the temperature and concentration of mercuric chloride (HgCl2) on the optimum growth of Bacillus cereus (IHB B 379). The study used a Completely Randomized Factorial Design (CRD) consisting of two treatment factors. The first factor was a different temperature treatment with three levels, namely 320C, 370C, and 420C. The second factor was the treatment of the mercuric chloride (HgCl2) concentration with three levels, namely 0 ppm, 250 ppm, and 500 ppm. The Bacillus cereus (IHB B 379) growth test used the delusional method and the number of colonies was calculated using the Total Plate Count (TPC) method. The results showed that the growth of Bacillus cereus (IHB B 379) was seriously affected by the temperature and concentration of HgCl2 . The best growth pattern of Bacillus cereus (IHB B 379) was occurred at 320C and concentration HgCl2 250 ppm.References
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