Rika rosmalinda, T. Andi Fadlly , Ida Ratna Nila, Rachmad Almi Putra

Rika rosmalinda, T. Andi Fadlly , Ida Ratna Nila, Rachmad Almi Putra

  • Rachmad Almi Putra


The prototype of the iron man blind eye assist device uses the Arduino Uno microcontroller as a data storage media that has been compiled and uploaded by Arduino software. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor as a barrier detector will produce output in the form of user distance data to obstacles. The buzzer will be active at a distance that has been programmed with the C language on the Arduino Uno software. The variable resistor is a potentiometer used to reduce the current so that the buzzer volume is not too high, and can be adjusted to the user's environment. Active buzzer gives instructions to users at a certain distance there is a barrier. Simulation of a prototype circuit made using proteus 8.0 software for Windows. Making a prototype of visual impaired iron man belt Based on the Arduino Uno Microcontroller consists of several stages, namely the design of the working system of tools, software design, hardware design, testing tools, calibration of tools and data retrieval. The results obtained at the 0-200cm barrier distance to the buzzer user will sound, and at the barrier distance ≥200cm to the buzzer user does not ring


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How to Cite
R. Almi Putra, “Rika rosmalinda, T. Andi Fadlly , Ida Ratna Nila, Rachmad Almi Putra”, hadron, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 16-21, Jan. 2020.