Identifikasi Variasi Buah Jeruk Dalam Menentukan Potensial Arus Listrik

  • Hartini tini MIPA Fisika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Samudra Langsa


A research has been done on variations of citrus fruit in determining the electric current potential. This study aims to determine the pH value of variations of citrus fruits, determine the current strength of variations of citrus fruits, and be able to determine the strong relationship of electric current with the acidity of citrus fruits. In this study, the electrodes used were copper (Cu) as the cathode and zinc (Zn) as the anode. The shape of the electrode is a slab with a size of 4 cm x 2 cm. The fruit used in this study is a variation of various kinds of citrus fruits, namely lime, grapefruit, kaffir lime, and conjoined oranges. Based on research that has been carried out lime has a smaller pH value than other types of oranges, so the value of electric current strength in lime is greater than the value of electric current strength in other types of oranges. Sequentially the average pH from the smallest to the largest is lime (1.95 volts), kaffir lime (1.49 volts), grapefruit (1.28 volts), and conjoined oranges (0.83 volts). So that the strong relationship between electric current and the acidity of oranges is inversely proportional, meaning that the smaller the pH value, the stronger the electric current of the solution, and conversely the greater the pH value, the smaller the value of the electric current strength of the solution.


Kata Kunci : Buah jeruk, pH, Tegangan listrik, Kuat arus listrik.


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How to Cite
H. tini, “Identifikasi Variasi Buah Jeruk Dalam Menentukan Potensial Arus Listrik”, hadron., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 1-4, May 2020.