X-ray beam conformity analysis with collimator light on X-ray aircraft at the Delima General Hospital

  • Fira Lita Nanda mahasiswa


A practical work has been carried out with the title "Analysis of the suitability of an X-ray beam with a collimator light on an X-ray at the Delima General Hospital". The results of the observations that have been carried out are the conformity analysis of the collimator beam and X-ray beam on the Acoma aircraft using the alignment test tool and collimator test tool which refers to the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1250/MENKES/SK/XII/2009, concerning guidelines quality control in radiodiagnostic equipment. To find out and ensure that the radiation beam that comes out of this beam controlling equipment is in accordance with the acceptance criteria, it is necessary to do a test. In the analysis of the suitability of the X-ray beam of the collimator lamp with the radiation beam, the value must not exceed 2 cm at the horizontal (x) and vertical (y) measurement points, if one of the horizontal and vertical measurements exceeds 2 cm, the radiation beam can be declared no longer congruent with the collimator plane and it can be stated that the quality is not guaranteed by the conformity test. In the analysis of the suitability of X-ray beams with collimator light on an X-ray machine at the Delima General Hospital, Medan.

There are deviations in the X-ray aircraft collimator light suitability test at the Delima General Hospital, but the deviations that occur in the horizontal (x) and vertical (y) measurements are ≤2cm or do not exceed the established standard. Thus the service quality control activities as a guide to quality assurance at the Delima General Hospital are guaranteed.

How to Cite
F. L. Nanda, “X-ray beam conformity analysis with collimator light on X-ray aircraft at the Delima General Hospital”, hadron, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 45-48, Oct. 2022.