• Rajib Muammar Rajib universitas sains cut nyak dhien
  • Iqbal Iqbal Universitas Samudra
  • Firdasari Firdasari Universitas Samudra
Keywords: thickness, pavement, design, Road Pavement Design Manual Method


The requirements of a road can provide a surface layer that is always flat, strong
construction so as to ensure comfort and safety for service (road life) which is quite long
and requires minimal maintenance in various circumstances. The increasing population
growth, and the condition of the old roads that have been damaged, therefore the need for
land transportation infrastructure will increase along with the increasing number of vehicles
every year in Aceh Tamiang District. This situation makes the reason that the need for an
appropriate and efficient method in road planning in order to obtain the best results and
meet the elements of safety in road use, so it is necessary to plan the thickness of flexible
pavement on the Tamiang By Pass road with a length of 5 km using the 2013 and 2017
Road Pavement Design Manual Method and compare the two methods. The results of
pavement thickness planning based on the 2013 Road Pavement Design Manual Method,
obtained pavement layer thickness based on Alternative Design Chart 3A column FF9,
namely AC-WC = 4 cm, AC-BC = 6 cm, AC-Base = 24.5 cm, LPA Class A = 15 cm , Class
B LPA = 15 cm, Selected Embankment = 35 cm, and CBR of subgrade = 2.386%. The
results of the pavement thickness planning based on the 2017 Road Pavement Design Manual Method, obtained the thickness of the pavement layer based on the Design Chart
3B column FF7, namely AC-WC = 4 cm, AC-BC = 6 cm, AC-Base = 18 cm, LPA Class A
= 15 cm, LPA Class B = 15 cm, Selected Embankment = 35 cm, and CBR of subgrade =
2,399 %. Of the two methods compared and reviewed so that each manual for flexible
pavement design is produced.


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Sukirman, Silvia, 1999, Perkerasan Lentur Jalan Raya, Nova, Bandung.
How to Cite
Rajib, R. M., Iqbal, I., & Firdasari, F. (2021). PLANNING OF TAMIANG ROAD FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT BY PASS. Jurnal Media Teknik Sipil Samudra, 2(2), 32-46. Retrieved from