Jurnal Masyarakat Berdikari dan Berkarya (Mardika) https://ejurnalunsam.id/index.php/mardika <p align="justify">Jurnal Masyarakat Berdikari dan Berkarya (MARDIKA) merupakan jurnal ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Teknik Universitas Samudra. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menyebarkan informasi dan pengetahuan tentang isu-sisu dan tantangan yang dihadapi masyarakat, serta untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelaksanaan PkM. Jurnal MARDIKA menyajikan konten yang berkaitan dengan pendekatan-pendekatan kepada masyarakat, seperti kajian tentang permasalahan yang dihadapi masyarakat, proses pemecahan masalah bersama masyarakat, dan model-model teknologi yang diterapkan ditengah-tengah masyarakat. Jurnal ini juga menyajikan informasi tentang ragam bidang program PKM yang diadakan oleh Perguruan Tinggi.</p> Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Samudra en-US Jurnal Masyarakat Berdikari dan Berkarya (Mardika) 3032-3053 PEMANFAATAN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF BERBASIS DIGITAL DI ERA REVOLUSI INDUSTRI 4.0 SOCIETY 5.0 BAGI GURU SMPN 4 KOTA LANGSA https://ejurnalunsam.id/index.php/mardika/article/view/10748 <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Teachers are the key to the success of school digital initiatives in creating quality human resources. Teachers as educators are required to be proficient and skilled in using various ICT (Information and Communication Technology) based learning media. The sophistication of technology that can be utilized by teachers to improve the learning process experience is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Chat GPT is one of the implementations of the GPT model designed to interact with users in the form of conversation or chat. Based on the results of interviews with the Principal of SMPN 4 Kota Langsa, it is known that there are several problems, namely the lack of education for teachers related to AI, lack of knowledge in using AI, especially Chat GPT, and the absence of utilization of AI-based learning media. The method of implementing activities includes observation or field survey, socialization and counseling, training, mentoring and monitoring and evaluation. The questionnaire results generally show that the community service activities carried out at SMPN 4 Kota Langsa are said to have received sufficient participation from the teachers. The good response shown by the teachers helped the socialization process run smoothly, actively asking and answering questions so that the training process on the use of AI, especially Chat GPT, went well.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Amelia Fitra Muliani Rahmi Meutia Ulya Nabilla Riezky Purnama Sari Nurviana Fairus Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Masyarakat Berdikari dan Berkarya (Mardika) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 2 3 145 152 10.55377/mardika.v2i3.10748 DESAIN ALAT PENGERING IKAN TIPE EFEK RUMAH KACA DI DESA KUALA LEUEGE PEREULAK ACEH TIMUR https://ejurnalunsam.id/index.php/mardika/article/view/10751 <p>The community service that has been carried out aims to improve the economy of the Kuala Leuge Pereulak village community in East Aceh through processing local community catches with effective and appropriate fish drying. The method of implementing the service carried out is through socialization and education regarding the effective use of marine products through the sale of dried fish or salted fish using good and effective drying. The outcome of the program that has been carried out has a positive impact on the community in Kuala Leuge village, which can improve the community's economy through training from activities carried out by the community, making it easier to dry fish that will be marketed.</p> Rahmatul Fajri Jofrishal Jofrishal Rachmat Almi putra Sabrian Tri Anda Prima Nucifera Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Masyarakat Berdikari dan Berkarya (Mardika) 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 2 3 153 157 10.55377/mardika.v2i3.10751 PENINGKATAN PRESTASI BELAJAR SISWA SLB NEGERI KOTA LANGSA MELALUI APLIKASI SELF PRO https://ejurnalunsam.id/index.php/mardika/article/view/10794 <pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Translation" aria-label="Translated text" data-ved="2ahUKEwjlseu_-_CHAxUcT2wGHZBcEdIQ3ewLegQICBAU"><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">Langsa City State Special School (SLB) is one of the SLBs in Langsa City. Langsa State SLB has a total of 244 students, with 64 people with physical disabilities, 34 people with visual impairments, 53 people with hearing impairments, 64 people with mental disorders and 29 people with mental physical disorders. Langsa City State Special School has a problem, namely the lack of student interest in learning activities, in 2023 students tend to feel bored and not focused in the process of receiving knowledge from teachers. Based on the needs assessment from the results of interviews with teachers, an understanding of the importance of understanding digitalization technology in the learning process is needed, especially through mentoring who knows the concepts and development of children with special needs. Based on 10 indicators of achievement of output targets, PKM-PM activities have reached 99%. Activities that have not been fully achieved are the final report which is still 10% in progress. From the results of the PKM-PM activity entitled "SELF PRO: Self Improvement Application for Langsa SLB Students in Improving Learning Achievement", there was an increase in results which had an impact on the education of students and teachers. These results can be seen from the students' pre-test and post-test scores. The great value of understanding the Self Pro application is because using the application is very easy and does not require an internet connection.</span></pre> Yemima Desi Sinamo Dian Evanita Lubis Maulidina Chairiyah Jambak Putri Ayu Lestari Zulfan Arico Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Masyarakat Berdikari dan Berkarya (Mardika) 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 2 3 158 164 10.55377/mardika.v2i3.10794