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The problem of nutrition in population development is still a problem that is considered to be the main problem in the world population order. From 2011 to early 2021, in the last 10 years the national poverty rate in general is still above 9%. This condition will be related to the nutritional quality of the community, especially children under five. The results of the 2018 Basic Health Research (riskesdas) show that the prevalence of malnutrition and undernutrition in children under five in Indonesia reaches 17.7%, while stunting reaches 30.8%. Although the development process in Indonesia has been able to overcome this problem, judging from the trend of statistical data, there are still many problems that need to be resolved, especially those concerning the problem of undernourished children under five (Bappenas, 2010). BISA (Beras Inovatif, Sehat dan Aman) is a innovation food containing Nutrient Iodine and protein and oil obtained from lemur head waste. The waste also contains PuFAs (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids), especially omega 3. These nutrients have functional properties that are useful for body health. The carbohydrates come from seaweed and MOCAF (modified cassava flour), seaweed also contains minerals and iodine which are closely related to intelligence.