Eumpang Breuh Journal is published by the Faculty of Agriculture, Samudra University. Journal of Eumpang Breuh publishes 2 editions annually in June and December. The focus and scope of the journal include Human Development and National Competitiveness; Poverty Reduction based on Local Competitiveness; Management of Rural and Coastal Areas with Local Wisdom; Economic Development, Entrepreneurship and Cooperatives; creative industries and MSMEs; Environmental Technology Development; Health, Nutrition, Tropical Diseases, and Herbal Medicine; Arts, Literature and Culture, and National Integration, Social Harmony and Education. Actors implementing the service can be carried out by researchers, academics, educators, clergy, government, students, and people who care about social and humanities. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. All articles published in the journals are open access: Universally accessible online without charge.Eumpang Breuh journal are implements Double-blind Peer Review Process. Editor in Chief will assign the manuscript to a corresponding section editor for further handling. The section editor will request at least two scientists to review the manuscript. Based on the comments from the reviewers, Section Editor, and Editor in Chief will decide on the manuscript. After the article is submitted and published in this journal, it is fully copyrighted by the Eumpang Breuh Journal. If excerpts from other copyrighted works are included, the author must obtain written permission from the copyright owner and give credit to the source in the article. Then, the writer or reader is allowed to copy, share, and redistribute articles/material in any form. But it must still include the appropriate source and credit because the article in this journal is licensed by Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. (CC BY-NC 4.0).