The Implementation Of Cooperative Learning In Teaching Practice By Students Of Historical Department

  • Hartutik Hartutik Historical Education Department. Major Social Science. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Samudra University. Langsa Aceh Indonesia
  • Reni Nuryanti Historical Education Department. Major Social Science. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Samudra University. Langsa Aceh Indonesia
Keywords: Implementation; cooperative learning; students; teaching practice; historical learning strategy; and history education department.


Cooperative learning is one form of  the active and innovative learning model. Cooperative learning can be one of the alternative in delivering materials during teaching and learning process at both primary and secondary school level and universities. In college, cooperative learning can be applied by students of history education department of samudra university at teaching practice through historical learning strategy. While in teaching practice activity is a students media to train their teaching skills as prospective teachers. This study discusses about: 1. Implementation of cooperative learning by students at teaching practice, 2. Advantages and disadvantages of applying cooperative learning during at teaching practice. This study used descriptive qualitative methods, analysis based on data obtained from the field and theoretical. Techniques  of data collection through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that at teaching practice, the implementation of several learning models of cooperative learning conducted by students is guided by their learning implementation plan (RPP). Nevertheless, in practicing cooperative learning there are still students who do not implement the steps based on procedure. While the advantages of the implementation of cooperative learning at teaching practice include more students incriminate in learning activities.
