Factors Contributing Acehnese Youth Shift Their Vernacular Language
Abstract— This Research title is factors contributing Acehnese youth in shift their vernacular language .This research method used case study in qualitative research design,.This research location is in Langsa City, This research focus on language shift that used by Acehnese youth which age range 18-21 years old.the subjects consists of ten (10) respondents for each distric in tottaly fifty respondents (50) as a subjects of this research.The instruments that used in this research are: 1) Observation, 2) questioner, 3) and Interview. The technique of data analysis used the interactive model of Mile’s and Hubarman which consits of; 1) data reduce, 2) Data display, 3) data verification, 4) and conclusion. From data analysis found that there are six factors of shifting ; 1) economic, 2) demography, 3) attitude and, 4) prestige, 5) language use, 6) and social interaction.