Identification Of Biodiversity In Siosar Pineforest Karo District, North Sumatra

  • Andini Saputri Department of Biology, Faculty of Enginering, Samudra University. Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Zidni Ilman Navia Department of Biology, Faculty of Enginering, Samudra University. Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Kartika Aprilia Putri Department of Biology, Faculty of Enginering, Samudra University. Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Beni Alfajar Department of Biology, Faculty of Enginering, Samudra University. Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Diversity; Pine Forest; Siosar; Karo District; Biodiversity.


This study aims to identify biodiversity in Pinnus mercusii forest in Karo District. Observations on plants using the quadratic method by making 10 plots, 2 x 2 m, recording seedling plants that exist in each plot. In addition, carbon sequestration was performed on Pinnus mercusii plants by using allometric equations to extrapolate biomass. Carbon calculations are performed using the quadratic method. Aves observation is done by point count or indices ponctuele d'abundance method. Using 5 observation stations by walking, stopping and silent at certain observation posts. Observation of mammals using survey methods and point determination. Drawn 200 m at point 1, 2 and 3, observed the type and number of mammals. Herpetofauna cluster using visual encounter survey method (VES). The results show that there are 14 species of seedling, 15 species of aves, 2 species of mammals, 2 species of reptiles and 6 species of amphibians. The result of carbon calculation on Pinnus mercusii plants is 6,365,063 ton /ha.
