Efektivitas Metode Demonstrasi dalam Membuat Keterampilan Vokasional Boneka Panda pada Anak Tunagrahita Ringan Kelas VI di SLB N 1 Painan

  • Koirun Nisa Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Ardisal Ardisal Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Panda Dolls, Demonstration Method, Mild Impairment


This research was motivated by land issues found in the field, there were as many as five mentally retarded children in class VI at SLB N 1 Painan. When making observations the skills given are not too varied. I. Then the learning method requires children to understand the concept as a whole. The purpose of this study was to prove the effectiveness of the demonstration method in making panda doll skills in mentally retarded children in class VI SLB N 1 Painan. In this study, researchers used an experimental method. In this study, using a pre-experimental design with the type of one group pretest-postest design. In this study, there are several stages, namely the first stage is the initial test (pretest) to find out the child's score before being given the pretreatment (treatment) does the treatment 5 times, and the third stage is the final test (posttest) to find out how far the influence of the treatment has been given. This data the researchers processed based on data analysis using the Wilcoxon signed rank test formula.
