Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Online Menggunakan Aplikasi Schoology pada Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu di SD

  • Sukma Anisa Maulita Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Yeni Erita Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Schoology, ADDIE Model, Integrated Thematic and Learning Outcomes


Science is currently very easy to obtain due to the development of increasingly sophisticated technology. Not infrequently many students prefer to learn by using mobile phones that are connected to the internet when in class and playing computers in internet cafes than learning to use textbooks. This research began when researchers found in the field that during the current covid-19 pandemic, teachers only used learning media in the form of printed books and worksheets in the learning process. So that learning becomes less interesting and tends to be monotonous and less interesting for students. This study aims to produce online learning media using schoology applications in integrated thematic learning in elementary schools that are valid, practical and effective, so that this learning media is feasible to use.This research is a Research & Development (R&D) research. The development model used is the development model according to Andhini, namely the ADDIE model. The ADDIE development procedure consists of 5 stages, namely Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation, and Evaluation. This research was conducted on fourth grade students at SDN 002 Simpang Tiga Teluk Kuantan.The results obtained by the researchers are learning media that have a validation level with an average value of 92.75% and a very valid category, the practicality level of students is 83.33% in the practical category, the practicality of teachers is 90% in the practical category and has effectiveness with an average of an average of 86.66% with a very good category.
