Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Keliling Dan Luas Bangun Datar Serta Hubungan Pangkat Dua Dengan Akar Pangkat Dua Menggunakan Aplikasi Flip PDF Professional Di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

  • Alfatiha Karisma Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Yetti Ariani Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Bahan Ajar, Flip PDF Professional, ADDIE


This research is motivated by the fact found in elementary schools, namely the lack of use of technology in developing teaching materials. Teaching materials used by teachers are still in the form of printed teaching materials such as teacher books, student books, and worksheets. This study aims to develop teaching materials using the Flip PDF Professional application on the circumference and area of the plane as well as the relationship of the cube to the square root in grade IV Elementary School which is valid and practical. and the area of the flat shape and the relationship of the cube to the square root in grade IV Elementary School which is valid and practical. This research uses
development research (R&D) with ADDIE development model. The results of the research on the development of teaching materials using the Flip PDF Professional application were declared to be very valid for use with a percentage of 90% material experts, 90% linguists, and 90% media experts, thus obtaining an average score of 91.6% with a very valid category. While the results of the response questionnaire in schools showed that the teaching materials developed were very practical with the results of the teacher's response questionnaire 93% and the results of the student response questionnaire 91.25% with an average of 92% very practical criteria. Thus, it can be concluded that
teaching materials for circumference and area of flat shapes and the relationship of the cube to the square root using the professional flip pdf application in grade IV Elementary School
are valid and practical for use in the learning process.
