Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Word Square Terhadap Kemampuan Menganalisis Unsur Pembangun Puisi Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 7 Sijunjung

  • Rindiani Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat


Rindiani (NPM: 18080068), The Effect of Using the Word Square Model on the Ability to Analyze the Elements of Poetry Building for Students of Class X Sma Negeri 7 Sijunjung Thesis. Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, PGRI University, West Sumatra, Padang 2022.


The research was motivated by First, students did not like learning to analyze the building blocks of poetry. Second, there are difficulties experienced by students in analyzing the building blocks of poetry. Third, difficulties such as difficulties in analyzing images, difficulties in diction, difficulties in distinguishing figurative language and difficulties in determining the theme and message of the poem. Fourth, the factors that cause these difficulties occur because of the lack of interest in students' reading and language in poetry which is considered difficult for students to understand. This study aims to first, to describe the ability to analyze the elements of poetry builder class X SMA N 7 Sijunjung without using the word square model. Second, to describe the ability to analyze the poetry building elements of class X students of SMA N 7 Sijunjung by using the word square model. Third, to describe the effect of using the word square model on the ability to analyze the poetry building elements of class X students of SMA Negeri 7 Sijunjung.

This type of research is quantitative using quasi-experimental research methods. The research population was all students of class X SMA 7 Sijunjung. The research sample is students of class X Mathematics and Natural Sciences 1 as the control class and students of class X Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2 as the experimental class. The sampling technique is purposive sampling.

Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that. First, the average value of the ability to analyze the building blocks of students' poetry without using the Word Square model is 61.96 with sufficient qualifications (C). Second, the ability to analyze the building blocks of students' poetry using the Word Sguare model is 75.57 with more than enough qualifications (LdC). Third, there is the effect of using the Word Sguare model on the ability to analyze students' poetry building elements based on the t-test with a significant level of 0.05 with degrees of freedom (dk) n1+n2-2. Thus H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted because the test results prove that tcount is greater than ttable, namely 4.16> 1.67
