Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Menggunakan Model Kooperatif Learning Tipe Picture and Picture Di Kelas III SDN 10 Wedya Aia Tabik

  • Irma Achmarani Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Nur Azmi Alwi
Keywords: Integrated Thematic Learning Outcomes, cture and Picture Cooperative Learning Model


This research is motivated by the low learning outcomes of students
in integrated thematic learning in Class III SDN 10 Wedya Aia
Tabik. This is because learning is still teacher-centered where
teachers still often use the lecture method and the learning
delivered has not been directed because teachers rarely convey the
competencies that must be achieved, and many students are still
passive and less able to reason. The purpose of this study was to
describe the improvement of student learning outcomes in
integrated thematic learning using the Picture and Picture
Cooperative Learning model in class III SDN 10 Wedya Aia Tabik.
The subjects of this study were teachers and students of class III,
amounting to 25 people. The approach used is a qualitative and
quantitative approach. This type of research is classroom action
research (CAR) which is carried out in two cycles. Cycle I consisted
of 2 meetings and cycle II consisted of 1 meeting. Each cycle
includes four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation
and reflection. The results showed an increase in: a) RPP cycle I
obtained an average percentage of 87.5% (B) and cycle II 97.5%
(A); b) the implementation of the teacher's aspect of the learning
process in the first cycle obtained an average of 83.93% (B) and the
second cycle 96.42% (A); c) the implementation of the aspects of
the first cycle students obtained an average of 85.72% (B) and the
second cycle 96.42% (A); d) student learning outcomes in the first
cycle obtained an average of 81.15 (B) and the second cycle of
92.18 (A). Based on these results, it can be concluded that using the
Picture and Picture Cooperative Learning model can improve the
integrated thematic learning outcomes of students in elementary
