Strategi Guru PPKn dalam Penguatan Nilai Disiplin Belajar Peserta Didik Melalui Pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila Dan Kewarganegaraan Di SMP Negeri 4 Ampek Nagari Kabupaten Agam

  • Prio Handoko Universitas PGRI Sumbar
  • Ranti Nazmi Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat
  • Budi Juliardi Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat
Keywords: Strategy, Reinforcement, Disciplin


This study aims to describe the design of the PPKn teacher strategy in strengthening the value of student learning discipline through learning Pancasila and citizenship education at SMP Negeri 4 Ampek Nagari, Agam Regency, to describe the implementation of the PPKn teacher strategy in strengthening the value of student learning discipline through learning Pancasila and citizenship education. at SMP Negeri 4 Ampek Nagari, Agam Regency and to reveal the obstacles experienced by PPKn teachers in strengthening the value of student learning discipline at SMP Negeri 4 Ampek nagari, Agam Regency.The type of research used in this study is qualitative research with descriptive research methods with informants as the subject of the school principal, curriculum representative, PPKn teacher and class VIII/5 students at SMP N 4 Ampek Nagri, Agam Regency. The data collection used are observation, interviews and documentation. The accuracy of the data was tested using data analysis techniques starting with data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions/data verification.The results of this study indicate that the strategic design used by Civics Teachers in strengthening the value of discipline has been applied to students, namely by coming to school on time, always providing motivations before learning begins, starting and ending learning on time. Implementing the PPKn teacher strategy in strengthening discipline values ​​has also been applied to students, namely the teacher uses a habituation strategy, the teacher as an example or model, the teacher gives rewards and the teacher gives punishment, the four strategies have been applied by the Civics teacher in junior high school Negeri 4 Ampek Nagari, Agam Regency. Constraints faced by PPKn teachers in strengthening the value of discipline are the lack of interest or awareness of students to learn and the environment in which students play, these two obstacles are inhibiting factors for PPKn teachers in the application of strengthening the value of learning discipline in schools.The conclusion from the results of this study is that PPKn teachers at SMP Negeri 4 Ampek Nagari, Agam Regency have implemented strategies to strengthen the value of learning discipline to students, namely by applying several strategies including: (a) teachers use habituation strategies (b) teachers as examples or models (c) ) the teacher gives a reward (d) the teacher gives a punishment (punishment).
