Pengembangan Media E-Comic Mata Pelajaran IPAS Kelas IV untuk Siswa SDN Percontohan Kota Langsa

  • Cut Syafnila Universitas Samudra
  • Ronald Fransyaigu Universitas Samudra
  • Mahlianurrahman Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Development, media electronic comics


Media in learning is a tool or reference for educators to convey information to students, in this case media can be anything, and in this modern era media has also been developed into electronic media, making it easier for students to learn anywhere and anytime, compared to textbooks, especially social studies. which is abstract and theoretical in nature, then the material contains writing and images which only focus on concepts and learning material so that it becomes a factor causing students' lack of understanding of social studies material, from here I am interested in developing a product in the form of electronic comics, the type of research is categorized as development or R&D . The model is in the form of Borg and Gall, there are 6 stages, namely potential & problems, data collection, product design, validation, revision, testing. Before it was tested on students and teachers, it was said to be feasible first on experts such as material experts 84%, stage I media experts 55%, stage II 88%, language experts 70%, then tested on 98% students and 88% teachers.
