• Ahmad Shodik Program Pascasarjana Pendidikan Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Kata Kunci: Demokrasi pendidikan, merdeka belajar


One of the ideas of John Dewey in the field of education is Progressivism. Progressivism is one of the schools of modern educational philosophy that wants a fundamental change in the implementation of education towards a better, quality, and tangible benefit for students. The flow of Progressivism emphasizes the importance of the basics of independence and freedom to students. Students are given the freedom to develop their hidden talents and abilities without being hampered by formal rules that sometimes actually shackle their creativity and thinking power to be better. Skills and knowledge education is one of the assets that must be owned by every individual to be able to live in difficult times. Education is suspected as the basis of success for individuals and society, both success in self-reliance and group or other success. However, in its development, education that emphasizes the ability and intellect is considered by some educational thinkers to have not touched the main aspects of education itself. So it requires an education system that is more comprehensive and covers all aspects of life. Therefore, to achieve the goal of more comprehensive education, John Dewey offers an education system that is expected to cover the shortcomings that have been flowing gently in the existing education system.


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