Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berupa Komik Digital Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

  • Resi Guspita Sari Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Yeni Erita Universitas Negeri Padang


This research is motivated by the lack of use of media that is interesting, fun and easy for students to understand. This makes it difficult for students to understand the material and often feel bored and lack motivation to learn. Therefore, the need for learning media that is tailored to the interests and preferences of students, one of which is by developing learning media in the form of digital comics in integrated thematic learning. This study aims to produce learning media in the form of digital comics in integrated thematic learning in grade IV elementary schools that are valid, practical and effective. This research is a Research & Development research, the development model used is the ADDIE model. The ADDIE development model consists of five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. This research was conducted on fourth grade students at SDN 04 Sungai Beremas, West Pasaman Regency. The results of the study obtained that learning media had a material validity level of 88.75% with a very valid category, 92.5% media validity with a very valid category, 77.5% language validity with a valid category. The results of the teacher response questionnaire for grades IV A and B showed the same percentage of practicality, namely 90% with a very practical category. The results of the fourth grade teacher response questionnaire A and B shows the same percentage of practicality, namely 90% with a very practical category. The results of the questionnaire responses of students in class IV A 94.53% and class IV B 95.43% with a very practical category. Based on the effectiveness, the learning outcomes of class IV A students increased from 66.88 to 88.81%, then the learning outcomes of grade IV B students also increased from 70.34% to 88.82%. Thus, it can be concluded that the learning media in the form of digital comics in integrated thematic learning in grade IV Elementary School has been declared valid, practical and effective.
