• namira yasmin namira Pembimbing 1 dan 2
Kata Kunci: Metodologi sejarah, sejarah lisan, buku perempuan berselimut konflik


Oral history is a historical source obtained through interviews with informants. The informant is the perpetrator or witness of history itself. Historical sources have various variants, there are written historical sources such as archival documents and there are also oral sources. Oral history is an important part of historical methodology. Oral history can be a complement when written sources can no longer be found. The purpose of this article is to know the concept of the oral history method. Analyzing the approach to the oral history method in the book Perempuan Berselimut Conflict by Reny Nuryanti. The results and discussion in this article are: 1). Oral history is one of the historical sources obtained through interviews with historical actors and witnesses based on their memories which are closely related to a historical event. 2). The book entitled Women in Conflict by Reni Nuryanti is one of the books in the research process using the oral history method. In this case, the author conducted interviews with several sources or historical actors and witnesses. The author, Reni Nuryanti, conducted interviews with 50 sources who were witnesses and perpetrators of the PRRI incident in West Sumatra.


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