Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy

The Editorial Team of JURUTERA (Jurnal Umum Teknik Terapan) is committed to maintaining scientific integrity by enforcing a strict anti-plagiarism policy. Plagiarism is unacceptable in any form, and we have established the following policy to address cases of plagiarism identified in articles submitted for publication.

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is intentionally or unintentionally using or attempting to gain credit or recognition for a scholarly work by copying a portion or the entirety of another party's work and/or scholarly work without proper and adequate acknowledgment of the source.

General Requirements

  1. Articles submitted for publication in JURUTERA must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  2. Material from other sources must be identified, distinguishing it from the author’s original work.

Plagiarism Handling Procedure

If plagiarism is identified, the Editor-in-Chief is responsible for reviewing the article and taking appropriate action based on the level of detected plagiarism, as outlined below:

  1. Minor Plagiarism: Copying a small portion of sentences from another source without proper citation.

    • Action: The author will be issued a warning and must revise the text and properly cite the source.
  2. Major Plagiarism: Copying a substantial portion of content from another source without proper attribution.

    • Action: The submitted article will be rejected for publication in JURUTERA, and the author(s) may be sanctioned with a ban on future submissions to JURUTERA.

Author Responsibility

All authors are fully responsible for the content of the manuscripts they submit. The authors agree to comply with this policy by signing the Publication Ethics Statement Form. All authors will be subject to the same action if plagiarism is found.

Handling Duplicate Submissions

Suppose it is identified that the same manuscript has been simultaneously submitted to another journal, which is discovered during the review process or after publication. In that case, the manuscript will be rejected, and the authors will be sanctioned per the policy above.

Additional Policy

In cases of plagiarism that do not fall within the abovementioned categories, the Editorial Team of JURUTERA reserves the right to take appropriate action based on internal considerations.