Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

To submit a manuscript to JURUTERA (Journal of Applied Engineering), please follow these steps:

  1. Register: Start by registering on our submission portal. Click here to register.

  2. Download the Template: Download the journal’s template from this link.

  3. Prepare Your Manuscript: Format your manuscript according to the provided template. Ensure that it meets all the formatting requirements before submission.

  4. Log In and Submit: Log in to the submission system here, then click on the “New Submission” link to submit your manuscript. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the submission process.

  5. Review the Guidelines: Many issues arise from not adhering to the template guidelines. Therefore, before submitting, thoroughly review your manuscript to ensure it complies with the template. Do not submit mandates that do not adhere to the template. Manuscripts that do not meet the template requirements may be rejected immediately or returned for minor corrections.

  6. Editor Review: Once submitted, your manuscript will be checked by an editor and reviewed by competent reviewers.

  7. Check Submission Status: You can track the status of your manuscript by logging into the submission portal. All activities, including the review process, are managed through our web-based system.

  8. Contacting the Editor: If you have any questions for the editor, use the discussion menu available on the website after logging in.

  9. Delayed Responses: If you do not receive a response within one week of any progress, please contact us via WhatsApp at +62 852-6157-1533, including your name and manuscript title.

We are committed to providing the best service for your manuscript.