Manuscript Withdrawal Policy

Manuscript Withdrawal Policy

Authors cannot withdraw manuscripts submitted to JURUTERA (Jurnal Umum Teknik Terapan) once the submission process has commenced. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the article is not under review or accepted for publication elsewhere. Withdrawal of a manuscript after submission wastes valuable time for the editor and reviewers and also affects the costs and effort invested by the publisher.

If an author requests to withdraw their manuscript while it is still under peer review, they will incur a penalty fee of IDR 1,000,000 per manuscript. If a manuscript is withdrawn after it has been accepted for publication, the penalty fee will be IDR 2,000,000 per manuscript. Withdrawal of a manuscript is only allowed once the penalty fee has been fully paid to the publisher.

If the author refuses to pay the penalty fee, both the author and their affiliates will be blacklisted from publication in this journal.