• Tentang Jurnal


    Jurnal Hukum Samudra Keadilan (JHSK) is a legal science journal published by the Faculty of Law, Samudra University. Jurnal Hukum Samudra Keadilan has been accredited with sinta 4 and established with the DECREE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION, RESEARCH, AND TECHNOLOGY MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE, RESEARCH, AND TECHNOLOGY REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA NO. 164/ E / KPT / 2021.

    The journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, reports field studies, legal theory, legal philosophy, constitutional law, legal debate, socio-legal, and other recent issues relating to case law. Jurnal Hukum Samudra Keadilan has two ISSN series Numbers for print and online media. And, Jurnal Hukum Samudra Keadilan has been indexed to trusted journal indexing societies such as google scholar, the garuda diktat portal, one search Indonesia, the base journal, the Copernicus index, cite factor, and others.



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